
Sunday, June 27, 2021


me and my borther  got candy and my borther  got 19 small candy and I got 19 small candy how   mini 

small candy  will  it be    19x19 = ?.

Thursday, June 24, 2021

A Good Friend

  A  good friend plays with you .

A good friend sits with you.

A good friend goes to the pool with you.

A good friend is your friend.

A good friend is cheers about you.

Early Settler Letter

 Dear Mum,

I Buiit a house and I think you will like the house I got off the bod at nighl time we have for  dinner  chickea food our job was faimungr buiidug and washing for the girls.

Love from Kingston

Monday, June 21, 2021


6 rugby playerson the con and they 4 in the backstage ho min rugby plerson r they 6x4=?

Sunday, June 20, 2021

my problem

 there are 5 nba  playrs on the court and they 5  on the and 2 tean   ho mie nba playrs   5 x 2 ho mie playrs

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

 kingston had 101 games and Harry had 1 games he  what  more games  and  got more games how moan  how many games will kingston on.

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

 Kingston has 10 Fortnite actton figures  and Joel has 20 Fortnite action figures.   How many Fortnite action figures are  there in  total?

count up in 10